Sunday, March 1, 2015

Wordpress (scary)!!!- Assignment 13

My wordpress website
In this assignment I had to make a Wordpress website using one of the many free templates and customize to my own. So my idea was I wanted to make my website based around my stories I have created and done with some of my friends. So for the header I created it in Photoshop and I wanted it to reflect the vibe of my place called Etheria. I then created three other pages dedicated to it they are a characters, stories, and bio pages. All of the content in every page is my own stuff that I have typed up and kept in my laptop and external hard drives, and as for the pictures they are just random stuff to give the website more zing to it. It wasn't to difficult to do this assignment since during he time frame that I worked for the Pioneer I was taught by my online manager on how to use Wordpress and I have to admit it came in handy. Otherwise I really liked how this website turned out and I think I might add more to it in the future and make it a home to my Original stories and who knows pave the way to my future endeavors. Oh and here is the link to go ahead and check out my cool website!

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