Sunday, February 22, 2015

SLAM Artcover Designs- Assignment 11

SLAM Artcover 1
SLAM Artcover 2

Folio design 1
Folio design 2

For this assignment I had to create two SLAM artcovers and folios for a possibility that it will be the new SLAM cover. I was having some issues with this assignment because I couldn't think of any good ideas for a good art cover. So after a few days of pondering ideas I finally came up with two amazing ideas! So for the first cover I decided to go with a typographic cat that I had created using a picture of my cat to make it. I edited it and did some fixing with it and found a nice font that matched with the other fonts that were being used in it. As for the background since all of the text were in many different colors I found a color that wasn't to bright and clashed with the other unique colors. I then made a folio for it which is a cat paw print to match the feel and take of the design. I will admit the first one is not really my fave.

The next design happened to be one that I actually thought of first. I decided I wanted to make a photostrip showing off mixed media designs and styles of art both digital and non. So I picked out the best designs that I felt most worthy and put them into several different photostrips. After I exported each one out separately I then started play around with the layout, design, and flow of the photostrips till I got the design I really wanted. After I was satisfied with the layout and look of the photostrip I felt that it still needed some depth and shadows to make it more realistic/believable. Then I later came up with a gradient that meshed really well with all of the many different colors and didn't deter from the rest of the art. Lastly, I found a font that was fun and artsy that matched and tied the whole thing together. The folio design for this one is a film strip as to match the theme of the photostrip too! Otherwise I will say the second design has to be my favorite and I like it more than the first idea I did. Other than that I really enjoyed doing this and I am happy with how it turned out so far!

P.S. My internet and laptop are being wonky so I am having trouble uploading my folio designs onto here. So I will keep trying if all else fails I will try and get them up tomorrow!:)

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