Saturday, March 7, 2015

Zoetrope- Assignment 16

Ok in this assignment I had to do a Zoetrope which I will say was really interesting and new to me, since I did not know you could do a digital one. So first I thought of an idea I would do for it and I came up with doing hearts beating and stars spinning. Now I had a few problems 1) Illustrator was not letting me expand them even though I kept clicking, but with Brian's help we found out the problem (thanks again Brian!^.^). 2) I made the artboard the wrong size so I had everything done but unfortunately it didn't work so I had to redo the whole thing. Last I had finished it and put the first design on Youtube but I found out a better way to get the hearts to beat so I redid the whole thing again and put that one up on Youtube, hence this one saying perfected version. Overall this was a pretty interesting assignment and I did have quite a lot of problems with it but in the end I got it to work! I will say I'm impressed with how the hearts turned out and I love how they are beating the way I wanted them to! Will I do this again maybe one day in the future and I may experiment more with it!

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