Sunday, February 1, 2015

3D Pop-up Art showcase- Assignment 6

So for this assignment I wanted to show off the artwork that I have done over the time frame of being in the Digital Design program. I will admit some of these are not my best but I didn't have the full storage unit with me to put the best ones in. This project took a while due to the fact that the shadows and lights were giving me a bit of trouble, especially since some of them were being blurred or blinded due to the lighting. I used five lights total to light up the span of the ground and field, and then I turned on all of the shadows for the lights and the pictures. I felt that it was incomplete so I decided to put a sky background that would help make the pictures pop and at the same time tie them all in nicely. The file rendered for over 18 minutes and the size of the file was 8GBs. After Premiere Pro took it's time to open I put the file in and added some music that I felt would fit and to me it was Techno music, cuz I love techno! I really did enjoy doing this one and I think if I ever do it again I might do something more interesting and spice things up a bit! Otherwise I didn't have to much trouble with this assignment at all it was relatively easy.

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