Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Crazy Shape Animation- Assignment 10

For this assignment I had to animate tons of shapes using After Effects and for this one I decided to do something a little organized. I thought about trying out all of the different types of animation styles and use them with specific shapes that would turn out to be cool or even pop too! So I did about 6-8 (I think...I kinda lost track after awhile) shapes and I animated each one separately or even together and used different methods to make them all appear/disappear. After I finished animating them I rendered it out (the file was 10GBs big!!!) and took it to Premiere Pro. I later found some nice royalty free music that sounded awesome, but there was parts of it that I liked and others not so much so I went ahead and began editing it and got a really cool sound out of it! I have to say I love After Effects it has a lot of amazing things you can do with it and I would like to learn more! Otherwise I felt really good when I did this assignment and I quite pleased with how it turned out especially the audio!

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