Sunday, February 1, 2015

Website Gallery!!- Assignment 7

A screenshot of my web gallery I took with my laptop!

In this assignment I wanted to utilize this gallery to show off a few random different pieces of art and photos that I took/created. I created this website using some of the past websites I created for the DDSGN 150 website class and combined it with the Galleria template. It took me two tries to get it to work right but in the end it turned out nice. I utilized some of my skills to make real/fake web links to give it more of a real feel to it, and as for the content section I typed up everything in Dreamweaver. I enjoyed doing something that refreshed my mind on how to create a website in Dreamweaver, although I like the web gallery from 150 more since it had more you could do with it. The one thing that annoyed me is how Dreamweaver CC 2014's interface is so confusing!! I used Dreamweaver CC last quarter and suddenly 2014 appears! It took me a good 15 minutes to change Dreamweaver's interface to that of how Dreamweaver CC was, and I was then able to work with no problems. Here is the link to go check out my web gallery!!^.^

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