Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Wall card game- Assignment 18 (Final)


So for this last assignment I had to do a 4 card designs for a game called The Wall! So I kinda got inspired by two things cartoons and Yugioh, since most card games have a cartoony feel to them. So thought about having things that were different but matched in a unique way. The first card I did was the wall card and I decided to go with a cobblestone/brick wall look that would be the main walls to build. After that I felt that the object that would reinforce it would be a vine of thorns (I kinda got the idea from Sleeping Beauty...haha!) and the damage card would be dynamite since it can explode the wall and the vine of thorns too! Last was my back design which I thought it would be a crest indicating this is a modern/medieval version of the game! Otherwise I really liked designing these cards and I think I will do more in the future since this is something really cool!! I am quite proud of how the cards turned out especially the damage card it looks awesome!! Also due to some weather and power outage I was having trouble doing my blog post and getting the back card done the way I really wanted (but since I was on a time limit I am still satisfied with how it all turned out).

Art Deco Poster- Assignment 17

Art deco poster inspired by an old movie!^.^
Heya guys, ok so during this assignment I had to make an Art Deco styled poster and for me this had to be my second time! So I had several ideas for this but none of them seemed art decoish enough for the assignment. So for three whole days I struggled to get a good idea or stroke of inspiration, but that changed on Friday the 13th were I finally got an idea (that day has always been my lucky day!) that I thought would look really cool! So I decided to do the poster based off an old movie I saw when I was 5 years old and it's like a twist on Romeo and Juliet! So I watched the movie to make sure I had the look of the characters correct so that way it would come out nice! I used Illustrator to draw them up and made sure to do somethings differently to symbolize shadows or highlights. It took a while to get Prince Sirius done since I was having some technical difficulty with his hair which was giving me problems. After I drew them both I went ahead and decided to add some highlight or art deco styled lights, and with some amazing words of advice I put them on opposite sides to represent the love they have for each other! Last I took it into InDesign and put in some art deco text and then I went ahead and printed it! I have to say I love how this turned out, especially since I went through a big stump before I got this idea! I have to say that art deco is not my style of art that I like (because for some reason I can't comprehend how to do something simple...don't ask me why) but hopefully I will learn to do this with ease in the future!^.^
P.S. Thanks Brian for putting up with me!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Zoetrope- Assignment 16

Ok in this assignment I had to do a Zoetrope which I will say was really interesting and new to me, since I did not know you could do a digital one. So first I thought of an idea I would do for it and I came up with doing hearts beating and stars spinning. Now I had a few problems 1) Illustrator was not letting me expand them even though I kept clicking, but with Brian's help we found out the problem (thanks again Brian!^.^). 2) I made the artboard the wrong size so I had everything done but unfortunately it didn't work so I had to redo the whole thing. Last I had finished it and put the first design on Youtube but I found out a better way to get the hearts to beat so I redid the whole thing again and put that one up on Youtube, hence this one saying perfected version. Overall this was a pretty interesting assignment and I did have quite a lot of problems with it but in the end I got it to work! I will say I'm impressed with how the hearts turned out and I love how they are beating the way I wanted them to! Will I do this again maybe one day in the future and I may experiment more with it!

Aston Martin Inforgraphic- Assignment 15

Aston Martin DB9!!!

This assignment was one where I had to create an Infographic about anything and have facts about it that pop up when you click a button. So I had to create an image in Illustrator and then take it Indesign and make it interactive. So here's the gist I had an original idea I planned to do which many of you remember, but I realized it wasn't really appropriate for using in an portfolio (sorry to those who were looking forward to seeing my anime one; I promise I am making another one for fun which I will post my original idea on Deviantart!). So I came up with another idea which I got from my brother who loves cars and wanted me to do an Aston Martin DB9. I went in Illustrator and began drawing up an the Aston Martin and I have to say I am proud of how it turned out, especially cuz I was having trouble making it (cars are really hard to do!!!!). After that and doing some research I got the whole layout set up in InDesign and got everything set up with ease (they don't call me the Queen of InDesign for nothing!!XD). Then I exported and saw that it worked like a charm. This assignment was not hard to do at all it was really easy! I find it interesting how you can make InDesign Interactive but I think of it as more of print based, so seeing that can be interactive is unique. I like how this second idea came out and this one will be my professional one. I really love how the Aston Martin turned out it looks awesome!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Email Newsletter- Assignment 14

My Spud Goodman newsletter
Ok, so where do I begin on this...oh that's right we had to make an email newsletter using all of the assets we were given. So I went into Dreamweaver and began setting up the table to make the Spud Goodman newsletter. I went between Photoshop and Dreamweaver preparing the images and getting the layout design I wanted to make it look nice and different, while still using all of the images provided to me. So after a few tries where I on accidentally made a few errors in the coding but after I figured out what I did wrong I fixed it. At first I had finished it but I did not like how it looked so I went back and edited it some more so that the images were a little more in the center. Otherwise doing old-fashioned HTML coding was a little annoying but after I got into it I managed to make it look pretty nice, so then afterwards I went ahead and emailed it to Brian after I did a few test emails that I sent of this to myself. Overall I am pleased with how the layout of the newsletter turned out although I when I emailed it to myself I checked it out in both Firefox and Chrome and it looked great as for Internet Explorer it turns all black which I don't understand why.

Wordpress (scary)!!!- Assignment 13

My wordpress website
In this assignment I had to make a Wordpress website using one of the many free templates and customize to my own. So my idea was I wanted to make my website based around my stories I have created and done with some of my friends. So for the header I created it in Photoshop and I wanted it to reflect the vibe of my place called Etheria. I then created three other pages dedicated to it they are a characters, stories, and bio pages. All of the content in every page is my own stuff that I have typed up and kept in my laptop and external hard drives, and as for the pictures they are just random stuff to give the website more zing to it. It wasn't to difficult to do this assignment since during he time frame that I worked for the Pioneer I was taught by my online manager on how to use Wordpress and I have to admit it came in handy. Otherwise I really liked how this website turned out and I think I might add more to it in the future and make it a home to my Original stories and who knows pave the way to my future endeavors. Oh and here is the link to go ahead and check out my cool website!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

SLAM Artcover Designs- Assignment 11

SLAM Artcover 1
SLAM Artcover 2

Folio design 1
Folio design 2

For this assignment I had to create two SLAM artcovers and folios for a possibility that it will be the new SLAM cover. I was having some issues with this assignment because I couldn't think of any good ideas for a good art cover. So after a few days of pondering ideas I finally came up with two amazing ideas! So for the first cover I decided to go with a typographic cat that I had created using a picture of my cat to make it. I edited it and did some fixing with it and found a nice font that matched with the other fonts that were being used in it. As for the background since all of the text were in many different colors I found a color that wasn't to bright and clashed with the other unique colors. I then made a folio for it which is a cat paw print to match the feel and take of the design. I will admit the first one is not really my fave.

The next design happened to be one that I actually thought of first. I decided I wanted to make a photostrip showing off mixed media designs and styles of art both digital and non. So I picked out the best designs that I felt most worthy and put them into several different photostrips. After I exported each one out separately I then started play around with the layout, design, and flow of the photostrips till I got the design I really wanted. After I was satisfied with the layout and look of the photostrip I felt that it still needed some depth and shadows to make it more realistic/believable. Then I later came up with a gradient that meshed really well with all of the many different colors and didn't deter from the rest of the art. Lastly, I found a font that was fun and artsy that matched and tied the whole thing together. The folio design for this one is a film strip as to match the theme of the photostrip too! Otherwise I will say the second design has to be my favorite and I like it more than the first idea I did. Other than that I really enjoyed doing this and I am happy with how it turned out so far!

P.S. My internet and laptop are being wonky so I am having trouble uploading my folio designs onto here. So I will keep trying if all else fails I will try and get them up tomorrow!:)